The hunt is on to establish a Dow Jones for social media or, perhaps, to witness the emergence of a Nate Silver-style savant who can scan the digital whitewater rapid rushing by on Twitter, Facebook and elsewhere for the why-it-matters bottom line.
Sandy spawns another storm – on social media
Chicago Tribune
As winds whipped facades off buildings, waves flooded iconic structures and parts of their city burned out of control, New Yorkers and the world turned to social media for reliable updates. What was already grim and in many cases hard to fathom took a ...
Social media narrative suggests a Romney victory
The Hill (blog)
Social media is now being recognized as the voice of the people. While polls are inherently unreliable because they are tuned and skewed and 'balanced', social media tracks voice of 'the people speaking' rather than taking pseudo-random measurements ...
Social Media Lessons: The Women Behind Curiosity Rover's Tweets12:57 PM ET
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratorykeeps news and social media manager Veronica McGregor andsocial media specialists Courtney O'Connor and Stephanie L. Smith busy, running the social media accounts and public affairs for more than 20 flying missions.
How Social Media Married RL Stine And Improv
When asked whether or not this collaboration with R.L. Stine could've been possible without social media, Herman replies that perhaps it could have happened, but directly connecting with someone like Stine wouldn't have elegantly presented itself ...

Social media links to gaming probed
The Age
A tender released by the Victorian government for a social media investigation said it would examine ''how industry promotes gambling opportunities using social media, who is being targeted and how access is provided to the gambling product''.

The Age
UAE Offices Restrict Social Media Access
A majority of businesses in the region restrict employee access to social mediaplatforms, according to a new survey of IT professionals conducted by Gulf Business Machines (GBM). The survey found that a majority of the more than 900 respondents who ...

'Skyfall' Is the First Social Media Bond Movie
Social media marketing has been one of the keys to promote the film online. There is of course an official James Bond Twitter account and a Facebook page which has 99,896 followers and 13,20,307 likes respectively. Strangely, the official Skyfall page ...
Survey: Small Businesses Investing More in Social Media
VerticalResponse, a provider of self-service marketing solutions for small businesses and nonprofits, today announced the results of an exclusive survey on how much time and money small businesses spend on social media. The company surveyed 462 ...

Social Media Training Is Now Mandatory: Five Ways To Make Sure Your ...
Companies like Unisys, Sprint and HP are creating social media training programs to avoid these types of social media crises, but also, just as importantly, to show employees how using social media can be a valuable business tool which can increase ...

Send Social Media Updates Through Your Jeans - PSFK
Italian brand Replay has introduced 'Social Denim', with a vinyl pocket and bluetooth transmitter that instantly shares your mood or location.
PSFK » Fashion
New Yorkers take to social media to find, provide help after ...
By Agence France-Presse
Topics: Jessica Lawrence ♢ social media ♢ social networks. As Americans reeled from the aftermath of superstorm Sandy Wednesday, they took to tweeting, posting and crowdsourcing to mobilize much-needed aid and help those left without ...
The Raw Story
Trick or Tweet: Which Halloween Candy Wins Social Media ...
By Chris Taylor
It's that time of year again, when ghouls and monsters gather to determine the answers to vital questions like: Which candy is most popular this year?
Mashable » Social Media
Content Marketers Beware: How to Keep Up ... - Social Media Today
By dwoodrow
It seems like every time I get a handle on a social media channel or a search optimization technique—something changes. Facebook expands its insights, Google introduces Panda 20, and the list goes on. Keeping up-to-date with changes ...
Social Media Today - The world's...
Communicating With Your Customers… FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE!
By Deborah Sweeney
In honor of Halloween, I thought it might be fun to look at something that certainly had our social media team scared – the recent loss, albeit brief, of Tumblr and Reddit and how these websites handled the downtime.
Social Media Today - The world's...
NASA Hosts DC Social Media Event With Station Astronaut Joe Acaba
NASA invites its social media followers to a special event with astronaut Joe Acaba from 9 -11:30 a.m. EST Tuesday, Dec. 4. The event will take place in the ...
Has Social Media Turned You into a Zombie? [INFOGRAPHIC]
This fun infographic profiles several types of social media zombie -- not dead, but not quite alive either, thanks to an over-enthusiasm for the social web.
Social Media Management During Hurricane Sandy - HootSuite ...
Dubbed the largest Atlantic hurricane in diameter on record, Hurricane Sandy is changing the way companies and authorities handle social media management.
Can Facebook Army Supercharge Nonprofit Fundraising? First Test: Sandy
Facebook is to set to offer charitable donations on its Gifts service this week, a move that could funnel some extra cash to nonprofits through the world's largest social network while also bolstering its newly expanded e-commerce platform. The feature ...

Facebook insiders still stampede to sell stock
But what's good for real-estate agents and car dealers in Silicon Valley is bad news for Facebook retail investors, because this selling pressures the stock price. It's why I've been reminding readers repeatedly to watch for the dates on which large ...
Facebook testing Timeline redesign
Los Angeles Times
Facebook is testing a redesign of its Timeline feature that could make reading old posts slightly easier. The Menlo Park-based company confirmed that it is testing an experimental version of the redesign on a small number of users. The experimental ...
Facebook Denies It Is 'Gaming' Its News Feed To Force Companies To Buy Ads
Business Insider
The conflict here is that while companies can use Facebook for free, they can't guarantee that their messages have a wide reach unless they either pay Facebook to promote them, or create organically viral content that users actually want to share.

Business Insider
How Truth and Lies Spread on Twitter
Businessweek (blog)
As power went out in lower Manhattan on Monday evening, many residents turned to Twitter andFacebook (FB) on their smartphones to learn exactly how the hurricane was impacting their neighborhoods. CBS (CBS) estimates three and a half million tweets ...
Facebook official asks Menlo Park to be fair in negotiations for West Campus
San Jose Mercury News
Facebook's top finance officer cautioned Menlo Park council members Tuesday night not to ask too much in the way of fees and public benefits in exchange for approving the company's proposed West Campus. Chief Financial Officer David Ebersman said ...
Sandy victims use Facebook to plead for NJ celeb donations
Now, some of the storm's victims are using Facebook to call publicly on local celebrities for help rebuilding the state. Music superstars Bruce Springsteen and Jon Bon Jovi were two of the most popular targets, while the infamous "Jersey Shore" MTV ...
China's Twitter-like Weibo poses danger, opportunity for new leaders
Chicago Tribune
Since its launch three years ago, Weibo, China's version of Twitter, has become the country's water cooler, a place where nearly 300 million Internet users opine on everything from Korean soap operas to China's latest political intrigue. It has posed a ...
Facebook IPO may have cost banks a bundle
San Jose Mercury News
Facebook's underwriters may have sacrificed a big chunk of their own profit – to the tune of $66 million – in a desperate battle to keep the stock from sinking below its IPO price on its first day of trading last May. That's the conclusion of three ...
Facebook, others back Linaro's Linux-on-ARM project
IDG News Service - Facebook, Red Hat, Hewlett-Packard and other big vendors have joined a project to develop Linux OS software for the upcoming generation of ARM-based servers, the companies announced Thursday. Advanced Micro Devices, Applied Micro ...
Facebook Testing New Timeline Format With Single Column of ...
By Anita Li
Facebook is testing a new Timeline design that places all posts in a single column on the left. ... 49 Comments. To leave a comment on this story, please log in with Facebook or Twitter ...
Mashable » Social Media
Facebook Gifts Get Charitable: You Can Now Give The Gift Of ...
By Drew Olanoff
Facebook Gifts launched with the ability for you to buy something meaningful for a friend or family member on the social network. I've tinkered with it a.. ... View Staff Page Follow me on Twitter. Drew Olanoff has over 10 years of marketing, PR, ...
Why Microsoft Should Buy Twitter Now | Breakout - Yahoo! Finance
If they want a foothold into what's on their customers' minds and what's working now, Microsoft needs to buy Twitter then leave it alone. No pop-up ads, no selling your information, no intrusion. NoFacebook-ing. Just a bunch of people and ...
Yahoo! Finance: Breakout
EA on Facebook: Down, but Not Out - AllThingsD
By Tricia Duryee
For now, Electronic Arts plans to keep Facebook games as part of its digital mix. ... Hesseldahl); @LaurenGoode (Lauren Goode); @MikeIsaac (Mike Isaac); @BonnieSCha (Bonnie Cha). A single RSS feed of all ATD Writers' Twitter accounts ...
Facebook censors Navy SEALs for claiming Obama denied them - RT
Social media giant Facebook has removed a message by the Special Operations Speaks PAC (SOS), which shed negative light on US President Obama for denying a request for military support in Benghazi before the deadly attack on the ...
News RSS : Today
Linkedin: It's Cool But too Expensive
(By Kevin Donovan) Make no mistake, LinkedIn is a pretty groovy way to build professional bridges, but we think current lofty valuations make it a bridge too far for investors. In our view, current shareholders should take advantage of any pop in price ...

LinkedIn seen posting strong results
LinkedIn (NYSE:LNKD) is scheduled to report third-quarter results after the market closes on Thursday. Analysts are expecting the professional social media company to post a profit of 11 cents a share, on revenue of $244.61 million, according to a ...
LinkedIn expanding on 'followers' feature
Letting users tap industry leaders for original content must be working out for LinkedIn. The professional network is getting more social today, adding a leaderboard for its subscription service and recommendations on who to follow based on member ...
Facebook's New Listings Could Target LinkedIn And Craigslist (FB, LNKD)
San Francisco Chronicle
Will this mean Facebook could steal some of LinkedIn's recruiting-ads business? Possibly. Facebook has a huge advantage in the number of people it reaches. But startups that have tried to build LinkedIn-like professional networks on top of Facebook ...
Internet: Verify your Website on Pinterest
Utica Observer Dispatch (blog)
Let's face it, as much as most of us love Pinterest for the sheer pleasure of experiencing new ideas, it is a huge marketing tool for many small businesses. Look at the potential here if you will. Let's say you own a bridal store and someone pins one ...
Shiftgig raises $3 million in funding
Chicago Tribune
Shiftgig, a local technology company building a LinkedIn-style online community for service workers, has raised $3 million in its Series A funding round from investors, including I2A Fund, FireStarter Fund and Red Barn Investments. The company also ...
Etsy, Pinterest boost interest in Craft Festival
Las Vegas Review-Journal
Thanks to sources such as Etsy, the online handmade marketplace, and Pinterest, the virtual pinboard, arts and crafts are cool again. "With the hipsters and everything," says Powers, who produces The Craft Festival, "they're all into buying things ...

Las Vegas Review-Journal
LinkedIn Adds Discovery Tools for Influencers Network
By Seth Fiegerman
LinkedIn is rolling out a couple new tools to make it easier for users to find celebrities, business leaders and personalities to follow from the socia.
Mashable » Business
The New Problem With Pinterest « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth
By angelamartincbs
Pinterest is the third most popular social media site behind Facebook and Twitter, encouraging users to share "beautiful things." But could you get in trouble with each pin?
CBS Dallas / Fort Worth
Facebook's New Listings Could Target LinkedIn ... - Business Insider
By Owen Thomas
Will this mean Facebook could steal some of LinkedIn's recruiting-ads business? Possibly. Facebook has a huge advantage in the number of people it reaches. But startups that have tried to build LinkedIn-like professional networks on top of ...
Richard Branson and Barack Obama Are Your Most-Followed ...
By Josh Wolford
The reason we know this is that LinkedIn has added a few new sorting mechanisms for their thought leaders initiative. Starting today, you can find “influencer” by most recent content postings, alphabetically, and of course via the new ...
Top News - WebProNews
Tools Help Build Your Brand on Pinterest : Marketing :: American ...
By Marketing Watch
Use your time more efficiently on Pinterest with these tools.
OPEN Forum - Keyword: Everything
Google Drive files can now be shared via Google+
PCWorld (blog)
Users can now share files from their Google Drive storage account on their Google+ social networking profile, a capability that could be particularly relevant for workplace collaboration. Users can share links to any file stored in Drive, including ...
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratorykeeps news and social media manager Veronica McGregor andsocial media specialists Courtney O'Connor and Stephanie L. Smith busy, running the social media accounts and public affairs for more than 20 flying missions.
How Social Media Married RL Stine And Improv
When asked whether or not this collaboration with R.L. Stine could've been possible without social media, Herman replies that perhaps it could have happened, but directly connecting with someone like Stine wouldn't have elegantly presented itself ...
Social media links to gaming probed
The Age
A tender released by the Victorian government for a social media investigation said it would examine ''how industry promotes gambling opportunities using social media, who is being targeted and how access is provided to the gambling product''.
The Age
UAE Offices Restrict Social Media Access
A majority of businesses in the region restrict employee access to social mediaplatforms, according to a new survey of IT professionals conducted by Gulf Business Machines (GBM). The survey found that a majority of the more than 900 respondents who ...
'Skyfall' Is the First Social Media Bond Movie
Social media marketing has been one of the keys to promote the film online. There is of course an official James Bond Twitter account and a Facebook page which has 99,896 followers and 13,20,307 likes respectively. Strangely, the official Skyfall page ...
Survey: Small Businesses Investing More in Social Media
VerticalResponse, a provider of self-service marketing solutions for small businesses and nonprofits, today announced the results of an exclusive survey on how much time and money small businesses spend on social media. The company surveyed 462 ...
Social Media Training Is Now Mandatory: Five Ways To Make Sure Your ...
Companies like Unisys, Sprint and HP are creating social media training programs to avoid these types of social media crises, but also, just as importantly, to show employees how using social media can be a valuable business tool which can increase ...
Send Social Media Updates Through Your Jeans - PSFK
Italian brand Replay has introduced 'Social Denim', with a vinyl pocket and bluetooth transmitter that instantly shares your mood or location.
PSFK » Fashion
New Yorkers take to social media to find, provide help after ...
By Agence France-Presse
Topics: Jessica Lawrence ♢ social media ♢ social networks. As Americans reeled from the aftermath of superstorm Sandy Wednesday, they took to tweeting, posting and crowdsourcing to mobilize much-needed aid and help those left without ...
The Raw Story
Trick or Tweet: Which Halloween Candy Wins Social Media ...
By Chris Taylor
It's that time of year again, when ghouls and monsters gather to determine the answers to vital questions like: Which candy is most popular this year?
Mashable » Social Media
Content Marketers Beware: How to Keep Up ... - Social Media Today
By dwoodrow
It seems like every time I get a handle on a social media channel or a search optimization technique—something changes. Facebook expands its insights, Google introduces Panda 20, and the list goes on. Keeping up-to-date with changes ...
Social Media Today - The world's...
Communicating With Your Customers… FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE!
By Deborah Sweeney
In honor of Halloween, I thought it might be fun to look at something that certainly had our social media team scared – the recent loss, albeit brief, of Tumblr and Reddit and how these websites handled the downtime.
Social Media Today - The world's...
NASA Hosts DC Social Media Event With Station Astronaut Joe Acaba
NASA invites its social media followers to a special event with astronaut Joe Acaba from 9 -11:30 a.m. EST Tuesday, Dec. 4. The event will take place in the ...
Has Social Media Turned You into a Zombie? [INFOGRAPHIC]
This fun infographic profiles several types of social media zombie -- not dead, but not quite alive either, thanks to an over-enthusiasm for the social web.
Social Media Management During Hurricane Sandy - HootSuite ...
Dubbed the largest Atlantic hurricane in diameter on record, Hurricane Sandy is changing the way companies and authorities handle social media management.
Can Facebook Army Supercharge Nonprofit Fundraising? First Test: Sandy
Facebook is to set to offer charitable donations on its Gifts service this week, a move that could funnel some extra cash to nonprofits through the world's largest social network while also bolstering its newly expanded e-commerce platform. The feature ...
Facebook insiders still stampede to sell stock
But what's good for real-estate agents and car dealers in Silicon Valley is bad news for Facebook retail investors, because this selling pressures the stock price. It's why I've been reminding readers repeatedly to watch for the dates on which large ...
Facebook testing Timeline redesign
Los Angeles Times
Facebook is testing a redesign of its Timeline feature that could make reading old posts slightly easier. The Menlo Park-based company confirmed that it is testing an experimental version of the redesign on a small number of users. The experimental ...
Facebook Denies It Is 'Gaming' Its News Feed To Force Companies To Buy Ads
Business Insider
The conflict here is that while companies can use Facebook for free, they can't guarantee that their messages have a wide reach unless they either pay Facebook to promote them, or create organically viral content that users actually want to share.
Business Insider
How Truth and Lies Spread on Twitter
Businessweek (blog)
As power went out in lower Manhattan on Monday evening, many residents turned to Twitter andFacebook (FB) on their smartphones to learn exactly how the hurricane was impacting their neighborhoods. CBS (CBS) estimates three and a half million tweets ...
Facebook official asks Menlo Park to be fair in negotiations for West Campus
San Jose Mercury News
Facebook's top finance officer cautioned Menlo Park council members Tuesday night not to ask too much in the way of fees and public benefits in exchange for approving the company's proposed West Campus. Chief Financial Officer David Ebersman said ...
Sandy victims use Facebook to plead for NJ celeb donations
Now, some of the storm's victims are using Facebook to call publicly on local celebrities for help rebuilding the state. Music superstars Bruce Springsteen and Jon Bon Jovi were two of the most popular targets, while the infamous "Jersey Shore" MTV ...
China's Twitter-like Weibo poses danger, opportunity for new leaders
Chicago Tribune
Since its launch three years ago, Weibo, China's version of Twitter, has become the country's water cooler, a place where nearly 300 million Internet users opine on everything from Korean soap operas to China's latest political intrigue. It has posed a ...
Facebook IPO may have cost banks a bundle
San Jose Mercury News
Facebook's underwriters may have sacrificed a big chunk of their own profit – to the tune of $66 million – in a desperate battle to keep the stock from sinking below its IPO price on its first day of trading last May. That's the conclusion of three ...
Facebook, others back Linaro's Linux-on-ARM project
IDG News Service - Facebook, Red Hat, Hewlett-Packard and other big vendors have joined a project to develop Linux OS software for the upcoming generation of ARM-based servers, the companies announced Thursday. Advanced Micro Devices, Applied Micro ...
Facebook Testing New Timeline Format With Single Column of ...
By Anita Li
Facebook is testing a new Timeline design that places all posts in a single column on the left. ... 49 Comments. To leave a comment on this story, please log in with Facebook or Twitter ...
Mashable » Social Media
Facebook Gifts Get Charitable: You Can Now Give The Gift Of ...
By Drew Olanoff
Facebook Gifts launched with the ability for you to buy something meaningful for a friend or family member on the social network. I've tinkered with it a.. ... View Staff Page Follow me on Twitter. Drew Olanoff has over 10 years of marketing, PR, ...
Why Microsoft Should Buy Twitter Now | Breakout - Yahoo! Finance
If they want a foothold into what's on their customers' minds and what's working now, Microsoft needs to buy Twitter then leave it alone. No pop-up ads, no selling your information, no intrusion. NoFacebook-ing. Just a bunch of people and ...
Yahoo! Finance: Breakout
EA on Facebook: Down, but Not Out - AllThingsD
By Tricia Duryee
For now, Electronic Arts plans to keep Facebook games as part of its digital mix. ... Hesseldahl); @LaurenGoode (Lauren Goode); @MikeIsaac (Mike Isaac); @BonnieSCha (Bonnie Cha). A single RSS feed of all ATD Writers' Twitter accounts ...
Facebook censors Navy SEALs for claiming Obama denied them - RT
Social media giant Facebook has removed a message by the Special Operations Speaks PAC (SOS), which shed negative light on US President Obama for denying a request for military support in Benghazi before the deadly attack on the ...
News RSS : Today
Linkedin: It's Cool But too Expensive
(By Kevin Donovan) Make no mistake, LinkedIn is a pretty groovy way to build professional bridges, but we think current lofty valuations make it a bridge too far for investors. In our view, current shareholders should take advantage of any pop in price ...
LinkedIn seen posting strong results
LinkedIn (NYSE:LNKD) is scheduled to report third-quarter results after the market closes on Thursday. Analysts are expecting the professional social media company to post a profit of 11 cents a share, on revenue of $244.61 million, according to a ...
LinkedIn expanding on 'followers' feature
Letting users tap industry leaders for original content must be working out for LinkedIn. The professional network is getting more social today, adding a leaderboard for its subscription service and recommendations on who to follow based on member ...
Facebook's New Listings Could Target LinkedIn And Craigslist (FB, LNKD)
San Francisco Chronicle
Will this mean Facebook could steal some of LinkedIn's recruiting-ads business? Possibly. Facebook has a huge advantage in the number of people it reaches. But startups that have tried to build LinkedIn-like professional networks on top of Facebook ...
Internet: Verify your Website on Pinterest
Utica Observer Dispatch (blog)
Let's face it, as much as most of us love Pinterest for the sheer pleasure of experiencing new ideas, it is a huge marketing tool for many small businesses. Look at the potential here if you will. Let's say you own a bridal store and someone pins one ...
Shiftgig raises $3 million in funding
Chicago Tribune
Shiftgig, a local technology company building a LinkedIn-style online community for service workers, has raised $3 million in its Series A funding round from investors, including I2A Fund, FireStarter Fund and Red Barn Investments. The company also ...
Etsy, Pinterest boost interest in Craft Festival
Las Vegas Review-Journal
Thanks to sources such as Etsy, the online handmade marketplace, and Pinterest, the virtual pinboard, arts and crafts are cool again. "With the hipsters and everything," says Powers, who produces The Craft Festival, "they're all into buying things ...
Las Vegas Review-Journal
LinkedIn Adds Discovery Tools for Influencers Network
By Seth Fiegerman
LinkedIn is rolling out a couple new tools to make it easier for users to find celebrities, business leaders and personalities to follow from the socia.
Mashable » Business
The New Problem With Pinterest « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth
By angelamartincbs
Pinterest is the third most popular social media site behind Facebook and Twitter, encouraging users to share "beautiful things." But could you get in trouble with each pin?
CBS Dallas / Fort Worth
Facebook's New Listings Could Target LinkedIn ... - Business Insider
By Owen Thomas
Will this mean Facebook could steal some of LinkedIn's recruiting-ads business? Possibly. Facebook has a huge advantage in the number of people it reaches. But startups that have tried to build LinkedIn-like professional networks on top of ...
Richard Branson and Barack Obama Are Your Most-Followed ...
By Josh Wolford
The reason we know this is that LinkedIn has added a few new sorting mechanisms for their thought leaders initiative. Starting today, you can find “influencer” by most recent content postings, alphabetically, and of course via the new ...
Top News - WebProNews
Tools Help Build Your Brand on Pinterest : Marketing :: American ...
By Marketing Watch
Use your time more efficiently on Pinterest with these tools.
OPEN Forum - Keyword: Everything
Google Drive files can now be shared via Google+
PCWorld (blog)
Users can now share files from their Google Drive storage account on their Google+ social networking profile, a capability that could be particularly relevant for workplace collaboration. Users can share links to any file stored in Drive, including ...