Why the Facebook and Apple empires are bound to fall | The Raw Story: "Then there’s the social network Facebook with its billion users, which is likewise the focus of much hyperventilating comment. Recently, the Mark Zuckerberg empire launched its latest deadly weapon with the catchy name of Graph Search – as in “social graph”. . . . Actually, it’s Facebook’s latest attempt to become the AOL de nos jours. And, in the end, it will fail for the same reason that AOL’s attempt to corral users within its walled garden failed: the wider internet is just too diverse, innovative and interesting. But because Facebook looms so large in the public consciousness at the moment, it’s difficult to keep it in perspective. Which is why Kennedy’s book makes such salutary reading. So what we need to remember as we wade through the current overheated commentary on Apple and Facebook is that nothing lasts forever. . . ."
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